Had a great day today. B and I caught a train to the city to see the The Magic of Myth, an exhibition of Star Wars outfits and models at the Powerhouse Museum. It was pretty interesting to see the outfits up close as they often differed in subtle ways from my movie-based impressions. For instance, rather than smooth vinyl like material, much of the Snowtrooper’s uniform looked like it was made out of a woolen blanket!
I’ll try to put a gallery of photos from the exhibition up soon, but for some reason my code is playing up. For now, you can stare at the perennial favourite Boba Fett.

B and I took the dog (we are minding it for her brother) for an evening walk along a firetrail that runs parallel to a nearby creek and nature area. It felt like we were far away from the city. I thought the trail curved back to the road, but we ended up backtracking and scrambling up the sides of the gully to get out.
It was dark by the time we reached Menai Metro – a residential, retail and restaurant complex (the three R’s!). We couldn’t be bothered to cook, so we bought take-away panang curry from the Thai restaurant. It would have been nice to sit down to eat, but we couldn’t do that with a dog in tow. It’s fun to see our local area alive and buzzing on a Saturday night – just because we are on the outskirts of Sydney doesn’t mean that it’s dead here!