I submitted my last astronomy assignment in today – late, because of all the other things going on in my life – but hopefully still good enough to complete the course.
After two weeks with barely any sleep it feels good to be finished studies for the year. If that is the end of things, then I might be satisfied to graduate with a graduate certificate. I can always rejoin the course at a later stage to get a higher degree.
I am glad that I have done the course and learned so much about astronomy (and biology and geology as well along the way). I now feel much more comfortable using research materials and scientific papers, which I somehow missed out on in my previous physics and maths studies.
Right now, however, I need a break and to spend some time learning other skills, working on other projects and just spending time with my wife. It has been an extraordinarily tough semester, trying to write essays while holidaying overseas, concentrating on my day job so I could retain it, putting up with long days and long trips home. Then there was my father’s passing.
But enough typing – it’s time to go to bed without feeling guilty that I should be sitting in front of this computer, working. Goodnight!